Are Creditors Garnishing Your Income or Bank Account? Consider Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Raleigh, NC


    Are Creditors Garnishing Your Income or Bank Account? Consider Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Raleigh, NC

    The last thing you need when you’re neck-deep in debt is a garnishment. It’s a nightmare to have your paycheck reduced, and it triggers a vicious cycle of sinking further and further into debt.

    If this is happening to you right now (or you’re afraid it’s going to happen), Weik Law Office can help.

    Attorney Weik routinely helps clients take the proactive step of filing for Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Raleigh, NC to stop a garnishment in its tracks. But first, let’s talk about the basics.

    What is Wage Garnishment in Raleigh, NC?

    Wage garnishment is when an employer receives a legal notice requiring them to reduce the amount of your paycheck under a court order. The money is remitted to the creditor, and you will receive an amount that satisfies the court’s order.

    The garnishment won’t stop until they lift the court order or you satisfy the judgement. They can take as much as 25% of your income depending on the details of your situation.

    For a closer estimate of how much they can take from your wages, talk to our bankruptcy attorneys in Raleigh, NC.

    3 Common Reasons for Wage Garnishment

    There are many reasons for which you can be subject to wage garnishment. These are the most common ones:

    Child Support

    Child support is an obligation that continues even after you get divorced or separated from your spouse. If you become unemployed, wage garnishment is one method used to make sure your child gets what they need. In most cases, that’s until they turn 18.

    IRS Debt

    Tax debt is often a consequence of an audit or missed deadline. The IRS has very stringent measures for tax debt, and wage garnishment is one of them.
    There are other types of wage garnishment in North Carolina, and Attorney Weik will walk you through them during your consultation.

    Fight Wage Garnishment with Raleigh Bankruptcy

    Do note that not all types of garnishment can be stopped by bankruptcy. For instance, child support is considered a non-discharged priority debt, so you’re obligated to continue payments regardless of your bankruptcy status.

    Despite some limitations, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is still extremely helpful.

    First, it can stop the creditor from further reducing your take-home pay. Second, it bars creditors from starting new proceedings to collect any debts you may have (this includes new wage garnishment orders against you).

    Under bankruptcy laws, this is a court directive and not a suggestion. So your creditors must comply with it regardless of your financial situation or the merits of the case.

    The worst thing about wage garnishment is that it never stops until the creditor gets what they want. But with Chapter 7 bankruptcy and our bankruptcy lawyers in Raleigh NC, the table is turned and you’re in control.

    Stop Wage Garnishment Now

    Garnishing your wages makes it extremely difficult to make any headway with your debt.

    Don’t lose hope – Attorney Weik has successfully helped thousands of clients stop wage garnishment by filing for bankruptcy, and you can be next.

    Call Weik Law Office today at 919-845-7721 for a free consultation, and set up a time to speak with one of our friendly professionals.

    Use our online contact form, or call us at 919-845-7877 for more information, or for a FREE consultation