Know the Difference Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Raleigh
Read MoreTop Mistakes to Avoid When Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Raleigh If you’re struggling with a lot of unsecured debt such as medical bills and personal loans, you can find the relief you deserve by filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Raleigh. You can stop worrying about harassment from creditors, since Chapter 7 grants…
Read MoreMost people dream of a comfortable and financially secure retirement. For too many older Americans, however, financial struggles due to debt are now the reality. It is a source of high stress to a demographic that is already vulnerable to declining job opportunities, health issues, and isolation. If this is something you or your elderly…
Read MoreFiling for bankruptcy in Raleigh, NC is generally a last-resort option for those with insurmountable debt. Many people feel like bankruptcy is an admission of failure, but the truth is that it is a powerful tool for debtors to get their financial life back on track. For most debtors, deciding to file for bankruptcy is…
Read MoreBankruptcy filing has taken on a new phase, as Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 petitioners must now take two new classes during the process. Before filing, individuals are required to attend a credit counseling course. In addition, they must attend a personal financial management class before getting a discharge at the end of the course.…
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