

    chapter 7 chapter 7

    Bankruptcy Lawyers in Raleigh, NC on Chapter 7 Requirements and Considerations

    Individuals struggling with debt have an option to file for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows debtors to wipe the slate clean and start over with no outstanding debts. Under the law, a debtor must qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy by meeting certain criteria. Eligibility for this type of…

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    chapter 13 bankruptcy

    Qualifying for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Raleigh, NC

    A Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Raleigh, NC, also known as the Wage Earner Plan, is an excellent option for debtors who want to pay off their debt without accumulating further interest from dischargeable debts. It allows individuals to get their finances in order through a repayment plan under the protection of a federal court. Debtors…

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    bankruptcy writing

    Common Mistakes to Avoid Before Filing for Raleigh Bankruptcy

    The period between deciding and actually filing for Raleigh bankruptcy is when most debtors are vulnerable to their creditors. During financial stress, it can be tempting to take all measures to alleviate the pressure. However, it is important that the debtor handles these financial issues carefully with a bankruptcy attorney to avoid major complications upon…

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    chapter 7 bankruptcy

    How Filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Raleigh Affects Mortgage

    Declaring bankruptcy in Raleigh affects mortgage in a myriad of ways. A mortgage is a legal agreement wherein a debtor surrenders the title of their property to a creditor to borrow money at interest. Like other types of loans, mortgages are subject to late charges and other fees. Homeowners who take out a mortgage are…

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    3 people discussing

    Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers in Raleigh, NC Discuss Various Considerations when Filing for Bankruptcy and Divorce

    Finding the right timing is critical when filing for divorce and bankruptcy. Depending on your situation, Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers in Raleigh, NC will be able to advise you whether it is best to file before or after starting divorce proceedings, and what this can mean for your finances. How Bankruptcy Affects Divorce Generally, bankruptcy…

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