

    What to Do If You Can’t Keep Up with Your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Repayment Plan

    A typical Chapter 13 bankruptcy case may last anywhere from three to five years. A lot can happen during that time, and you may find yourself defaulting or no longer able to keep up with the originally agreed to repayment plan. Some common reasons for this may include increased expenses, emergencies or illness. Fortunately, you…

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    Essential Requirements to Get Tax Debt Discharged in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    Some people who file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy fail to take full advantage of its ability to discharge debt. For instance, you may not be aware that you can get your tax debt wiped out under Chapter 7. In truth, Chapter 7 can discharge some types of tax debt provided that they satisfy certain requirements.…

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    Why Bankruptcy in Raleigh, NC Can Be a Good Option for Debt Relief

    When your finances are in trouble and you can no longer afford to pay for your debt, it may be a good idea to consider filing for bankruptcy. If you’re eligible, it’s the solution that will free you from financial problems. It might also be just what you need to keep your business going despite…

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    Top Benefits of Having a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Raleigh Do Your Filing

    When you are in dire financial trouble and you know that there is no way that you can crawl out of debt on your own, it’s time to consider filing for bankruptcy. It is a solution that can help cancel out your existing debt or come up with a more manageable payment plan for it.…

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    Chapter 13 Exemptions Explained by Bankruptcy Lawyers in Raleigh, NC

    Instead of feeling hopeless due to overwhelming debt, file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy to ease your financial woes. Chapter 13 may be able to wipe out much of your unsecured debt without taking away your house, car, and other properties. Bankruptcy lawyers in Raleigh, NC discuss the exemptions under North Carolina law that you should…

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